Turnip – Discuss about its Plantation and Health Benefits


About Turnip Turnip, (Brassica rapa, various rapa), also called white turnip, biennial hardy plant of the mustard family (Brassicaceae), grown for fleshy roots and soft tops. It is believed that the turnip originated in Central and East Asia and grows in tropical regions. Young turnip roots are eaten in salads or pickled, and can be cooked green. The root is also boiled and given whole or ground, and used in stews. Although sometimes called turnips yellow or wax, rutabagas (Brassica napus, variety napobrassica) is a different species. Turnip root is…

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Lettuce – Discuss about Its Nutrition facts and their Health benefits


About Lettuce lettuce, (Lactuca sativa), annual leaf vegetable in the aster family (Asteraceae). Many types of lettuce are eaten fresh and often serve as the base of a green salad. Lettuce is a source of vitamins K and A in general, although the nutritional value varies depending on the variety. Four types of botanical lettuce are grown: Celtic lettuce, or asparagus (type augustana), which has narrow leaves and large stems, is sweet and edible; head, or cabbage, lettuce (capitata variety), and leaves folded into a compact head; Lettuce lettuce or…

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Peas – Discuss about its Planting Process and health benefits


About Peas Pea, (Pisum sativum), also called garden pear, is an annual herbaceous plant of the Fabaceae family, cultivated worldwide for its fruit. Peas can be purchased fresh, canned, or frozen, and dried peas are often used in soups. Some species, including snow peas and snow peas, produce edible pods that are eaten or cooked like green beans; they are popular in East Asian cuisine. The plants are easy to grow and the seeds are a good source of protein and dietary fiber. Although the origin of domestic peas has…

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Raspberry – Discuss About Its Planting And their health benefits


About Raspberry Raspberry is a fragrant fruit with a sweet taste and velvety texture. The most common type of raspberry is red raspberry, but raspberries can also be black, purple and gold. It is not surprising that raspberries are considered the best food because they have a lot of fiber and antioxidants that make the heart healthy. Planting Raspberries grow best in full sun, but unlike most fruits, they will grow well in areas with partial shade. However: the more sun, the more fruit! The planting area should have rich…

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