Nectarines – Discuss about its physical descriotion and benefits


Introduction of Nectarines Nectarines are juicy fruits that are close relatives of peaches. In fact, nectarines are from the same family, Rosaceae, and are peaches, with genes that give them their smooth skin, firm flesh and flavor. Both seeds have sticky pits or loose pits, meaning that the pits stay close to the flesh of the fruit or fall off easily, making slicing difficult. don’t be bad. Nectarine can be eaten raw, and since the skin is not colored, they are often eaten raw (they do not need to be…

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Lady finger – One of the Best Green Healthy Vegetable


About Lady Finger Lady-finger is a green vegetable that looks like a thin finger; that is why it is called ‘lady’s finger’. It is commonly known as Okra. It is a perennial plant that can reach 2 meters in height. It blooms as a red and purple flower that develops into a fruit. The stem and branches are hairy and bear leaves 10-20 cm long and wide. It is grown in all hot and humid regions. It is widely consumed in India and abroad. A woman’s finger is considered a…

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Broccoli – Know About Planting Of BroccoliAnd Health Advantages


Broccoli Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable derived from the Brassica plant. It is a type of flower with a large plant in the middle with gray-green leaves and green florets (some varieties are purple). It’s simple and easy to find in most grocery stores. Broccoli is considered one of the most nutritious vegetables and can be a delicious addition to any meal or meal as a side dish, in casseroles, soups and stews. fries, or eat it well in an entree. Eating broccoli raw or cooked provides many nutrients, although…

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Concept of Physical Health And Also Discuss Its Importance

Physical Health

Physical Health Physical health can be defined as a state of well-being when all internal and external parts of the body, organs, tissues and cells can function properly. This definition of physical health also includes physical health as a state of physical well-being in which a person can perform daily activities without hindrance. Good physical health means, for example, that our ears hear well, our eyes see well, our legs can walk, jump, run and do many activities. others have no problem. Recruitment for military service in many countries is often based on physical fitness requirements. The truth of physical well-being Good Physical health is essential for happiness and well-being. Those who are strong are more productive and live longer. A strong person has a…

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