Turnip – Discuss about its Plantation and Health Benefits


About Turnip Turnip, (Brassica rapa, various rapa), also called white turnip, biennial hardy plant of the mustard family (Brassicaceae), grown for fleshy roots and soft tops. It is believed that the turnip originated in Central and East Asia and grows in tropical regions. Young turnip roots are eaten in salads or pickled, and can be cooked green. The root is also boiled and given whole or ground, and used in stews. Although sometimes called turnips yellow or wax, rutabagas (Brassica napus, variety napobrassica) is a different species. Turnip root is…

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Red cabbage – One of the Best vegetables for Health

Red cabbage

Red cabbage Red cabbage is a vegetable, cruciferous or brassica, related to cauliflower and kale. It is sometimes called purple cabbage because of its reddish-purple leaves. Red cabbage is usually smaller and smaller than green cabbage and has a spicy taste. This variety of cabbage gets its purple-red color from the flavonoid anthocyanin and the acidity level of the soil where it is grown. Like many healthy vegetables, it is highly nutritious, low in fat and calories, and has many health benefits. When and where to grow red cabbage Usually,…

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