Chives – Discuss about its growing tips and also their Health benefits


About Chives Chives belong to the allium family, which makes them relatives of onions, leeks, scallions, and garlic. They have been used in Europe and Asia for hundreds of years but can be found around the world. Chives produce vegetables and flowers; Long green grass, pencil-shaped and thin, with a hollow stem like grass. They grow in large clumps, are happy and are often one of the first plants to appear in the garden in the spring. Chives do not require much preparation since they are often used fresh, fresh…

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Ridge Gourd – Discuss about its Growing Condition and benefits

Ridge Gourd

About Ridge Gourd Ridge Gourd or Luffa is a cylindrical and family of cuculto / Greed. Rurge or which the sponge gourd is like “Jenida” in Bangladesh. Scientific name of Ridge Gourd: Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. It is a dark green vegetable with a white pulp inside. The taste of the vegetable is similar to zucchini. It has spongy flesh with white pulp and seeds. Umbrella gourd, also known as ‘tindora’ or ‘tindli’ in Hindi, is a vegetable that is grown in south and east India. It can be eaten…

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Fennel – One of the Healthy vegetables for Human health


About Fennel Fennel is a celery-like winter vegetable with an interesting licorice flavor. Although the taste may start to grow at first, fennel offers great health benefits. This tree comes from the southern part of the Mediterranean, through planting, it has started to grow wild in the north, east and west. The scientific name for fennel is Foeniculum vulgare. It is an ancient herb with feathery leaves and yellow, dill-like flowers. Fresh fennel is known for its strong aroma, smelling a little like anise, and has a hot taste. The…

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Celery – One of the Best Green and healthy vegetables


About Celery Celery, (Apium graveolens), herbaceous plant of the parsley family (Apiaceae). Celery is often cooked as a vegetable or as a flavoring in various broths, casseroles, and soups. In the United States, celery is served raw alone or spread or added as a snack to salads. Small fruits, known as celery seeds, are similar to the plant itself in taste and aroma, and are used as cooking, especially in soups and pickles. Native to the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions, celery was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans…

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Cranberry – Discuss about its various type of health Advantages


Introduction of Cranberry Cranberry is a small red fruit related to bilberries, bilberries and bilberries. In North America, it has a different tart, sour taste, which may be the reason why it is not as popular as other fruits. Many cranberry products are delicious for consumption, such as dried cranberries and cranberry juice. Cranberries are also included in baked goods such as cakes, muffins, pies and scones. Although fresh cranberries are available from late fall through winter, frozen cranberries can be enjoyed at any time of the year. The fruits…

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Nectarines – Discuss about its physical descriotion and benefits


Introduction of Nectarines Nectarines are juicy fruits that are close relatives of peaches. In fact, nectarines are from the same family, Rosaceae, and are peaches, with genes that give them their smooth skin, firm flesh and flavor. Both seeds have sticky pits or loose pits, meaning that the pits stay close to the flesh of the fruit or fall off easily, making slicing difficult. don’t be bad. Nectarine can be eaten raw, and since the skin is not colored, they are often eaten raw (they do not need to be…

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Peas – Discuss about its Planting Process and health benefits


About Peas Pea, (Pisum sativum), also called garden pear, is an annual herbaceous plant of the Fabaceae family, cultivated worldwide for its fruit. Peas can be purchased fresh, canned, or frozen, and dried peas are often used in soups. Some species, including snow peas and snow peas, produce edible pods that are eaten or cooked like green beans; they are popular in East Asian cuisine. The plants are easy to grow and the seeds are a good source of protein and dietary fiber. Although the origin of domestic peas has…

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Vegetables – Know About Vegetables Types And Benefits


Vegetable Vegetable means any vegetable that is grown or sold for food processing, whether or not vegetables are actually processed into food. “Food grains” include green beans, kidney beans, lima beans, romano beans, wax beans, beets, cabbage, carrots, celery, cucumbers, onions, peas, potatoes, spinach, squash and sweet corn, but it does not include corn. Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. They contain water, vitamins, minerals and fiber. People eat a lot of fresh vegetables. They drink the juice of some vegetables, especially carrots. People also eat fried, boiled, fried, steamed and boiled vegetables. They often add vegetables to soups, stews and casseroles. Most fresh vegetables spoil quickly, but they can be canned or refrigerated for later…

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