Sweet potatoes – Discuss about its Nutrition value and Benefits

Sweet potatoes are a root vegetable. It is a dicotyledonous plant whose seed consists of two embryonic leaves known as cotyledons which belongs to the family Convolvulaceae. The scientific name for sweet potato is Ipomoea Batatas. It is not related to the common potato (Solanum Tuberosum) although it looks like them. But both belong to the same taxonomic order Solanales. Sweet potatoes are native to tropical America and have a mild, mild taste. The white variety is less sweet and tastier than the pink or red flesh which is very…

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Amla -Discuss about Various Health Benefits of Amla

About Amla Amla is commonly known as Indian gooseberry. The fruits of the plant are used for medicinal purposes because of their medicinal properties. Amla has small, round, green fruits. Due to its many health benefits, it should be considered as the best food. In ancient Ayurveda, Amla has various names such as sour, nurse, immortality and mother. Amla’s unique flavor is full of five different flavors like pungent, astringent, sweet, bitter, sour and more than that; it helps to maintain mental health and that. This is the reason why…

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Brussels sprouts – Discuss about its Planting and Health Benefits

About Brussels sprouts Brussels sprouts are a delicious vegetable with a strong nutty flavor. Enjoy them raw and grated in a salad or roasted with a drizzle of olive oil. You can buy a stick of fresh Brussels sprouts, which keep small heads neatly lined up, or you can buy a bag of large sprouts, fresh or frozen. Brussels sprouts are a low carb, high fiber cruciferous vegetable. Many Brussels sprouts recipes call for bacon, butter, or maple syrup, quickly adding saturated fat and sugar. Be careful with your support…

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Langsat – Discus about Various Types of their Health benefits

About Langsat Langsat (Lanium domesticum) is native to western Southeast Asia and is cultivated for its edible fruit. Chinaberry (Melia azedarach), also known as pearl tree and Persian lilac, is an Asian ornamental plant with purple fruits, which usually grows in many tropical and subtropical areas. Description of Langsat The Langsat tree has a straight trunk that can reach 30 meters and a width of 75 centimeters. It grows in a unique way, displaying its buttress roots above the ground. The bark varies in color between red and brown, with…

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Chives – Discuss about its growing tips and also their Health benefits


About Chives Chives belong to the allium family, which makes them relatives of onions, leeks, scallions, and garlic. They have been used in Europe and Asia for hundreds of years but can be found around the world. Chives produce vegetables and flowers; Long green grass, pencil-shaped and thin, with a hollow stem like grass. They grow in large clumps, are happy and are often one of the first plants to appear in the garden in the spring. Chives do not require much preparation since they are often used fresh, fresh…

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Cherry Fruits- One of the best Healthy fruits in 2023

About Cherry Fruits Cherry add flavor to any dish. A stone fruit of the genus Prunus, the cherry has been a popular food for thousands of years. A favorite fruit among the ancient Greeks and Romans, historical records show that cherries arrived in North America as early as the 17th century. Cherry, any of the various trees of the Prunus (family Rosaceae) and their edible fruit. Trade includes sour cherries (Prunus cerasus), which are frozen or canned and used in sauces and spices, and sweet cherries (P. avium), which is…

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Pondicherry -One of the most populous City History And facts


Pondicherry Most populous city of the Union Territory of Puducherry in India Pondicherry, commonly referred to as Pondicherry, commonly referred to as Pondy, is one of the seven union territories of India in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. This original French village is a perfect blend of traditional Indian wisdom and French architecture, making it a dream escape that offers the best of both worlds. Pondicherry is known for its beautiful surroundings, beautiful beaches and beautiful heritage monuments. There are many things to do in Pondicherry, from cycling in…

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Guava Fruits – Varieties , Medical Propeties And Health Benefits


Guava Guava tree, (Psidium guajava), a small tree or shrub of the tropics of the family Myrtaceae, which is cultivated for its fruit. Guavas are native to the Americas and grow in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Guava fruits are made into jams, jellies and preserves and are used as fillings for baking. fresh guavas are rich in vitamins A, B and C; they are often eaten raw and can be sliced ​​and served with sugar and cream as a dessert There is a lot of fiber in…

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