Pears Fruits – Discuss about Its Physical Description and health benefits

About Pears Fruits

Pears are a sweet and aromatic fruit that is high in fiber, low in calories and full of antioxidants including vitamin C. They are native to Europe and Western Asia and are used in anti-inflammatory, diuretic and anti-inflammatory. hyperglycemic treatment in China for more than 2,000 years. And the health benefits of pears, such as protection against stroke and some cancers, are supported by research.

Physical description

The common pear tree has a broad head and stands up to 13 meters (43 feet) tall. The trees are long-lived (50-75 years) and can grow for a long time if not carefully cultivated and pruned. The leaves are round and oval leathery, with a small shape on their bottom, appearing at the same time as the flower, which is about 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) in diameter and is usually white. Peak and pink and five petal.

The foundation of five types are separated. The spear fruit is usually a soft and soft or soft or tissue of the cells and skin, the cells are called or cells. In general, pears are elongated, narrow at the end of the stem and widened at the other end.

Pears are propagated by climbing or grafting the rootstock, which usually comes from Pyrus communis. In Europe, the main root used is the quince (Cydonia oblonga), which produces a dwarf tree that yields before most trees and pear roots. Like others in the rose family, Pyrus species are susceptible to fire blight, anthracnose, canker and powdery mildew.


  • Water the plant well during dry periods to help establish roots.
  • Add a little fertilizer at the beginning of the year. Apply 1/8 pound of ammonium nitrate per plant multiplied by the number of years the plant has been planted in poor-fertilizing soil. If you have fertile soil, use a little fertilizer. If the leaves are green or yellow in summer, use a little fertilizer the following year.
  • If the plant grows more than 12 inches in one season, use less fertilizer the following year. Be careful when applying fertilizer! If you give your plants too much nitrogen, they will be more susceptible to heatstroke and may spend more energy producing leaves instead of flowers and fruit.

Prune the pear tree

  • Prune every year to keep the plant healthy. As a general rule, prune sparingly to keep the plants attractive and productive.
  • For dwarf trees, prune them according to the center guide. Mature plants can be pruned using a central guide system or a modified manual system, which is easy to maintain.
  • The central guide system consists of a central trunk with branches that branch out every 5 to 8 inches, making sure that there are no branches above the other. Training for such a system begins at the beginning of the summer of the first year, during which time you will remove any shoots that grow within 18 inches of the ground. The end result should look like a Christmas tree.
  • Use spreaders to help shape the branches of the trees. These help the branches to spread outward rather than upward. When the branches are small, you can use a cloth to pull the branches from the main trunk. For larger branches, use wooden slats with a “V” shape cut at each end. Also remember to thin the fruit, leaving about six inches between each cluster of fruit on a branch.
  • Once your plants are established, water them regularly.

Health Benefits of Pears

Like many fruits and vegetables, pears provide health benefits due to their fiber and antioxidants. These compounds mean pears can help support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and reduce the risk of stroke and chronic diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

pear protects us from disease.

The powerful vitamin C that protects us from infectious diseases such as cold, cough, flu and other similar diseases is found in pears. Vitamin C activates the production of white blood cells and is very vital for our immunity. So not getting sick every time the weather changes is one of the benefits of eating pears.

pear is good for our heart health.

Pears are high in sodium, potassium and fiber. Potassium controls blood pressure and supports blood circulation in all parts of the body of oxygen – thus improving their performance. They improve blood circulation and strengthen our heart muscles. And fiber takes care of cholesterol levels. Therefore, making us feel good is another benefit of eating pears.

Reduces the risk of stroke

Research shows a link between fruit and vegetable consumption and a reduced risk of stroke. A study followed a group of almost 75,000 Swedes for 10 years and found that, in particular, those who ate more apples and pears and those who ate more green vegetables were less likely to be diagnosed stroke.

Similarly, a review of 20 studies in 2014 concluded that the consumption of fruits and vegetables protects against stroke, especially citrus fruits, apples and pears, and vegetables.

Pears are fighting fatigue. Pears are rich in iron and copper. Copper facilitates the absorption of nutrients, while iron promotes the synthesis of red blood cells. In addition, glucose in pears is quickly absorbed and converted into energy. When you feel tired and fatigued, take this amazing little herb and feel your energy rise instantly.

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