Artichoke – Discuss About Its Planting Process and their Health Benefits

About Artichoke

The name artichoke comes from the word articiocco, which is likely influenced by the word ciocco, which means “trouble”. Globe artichoke – the type most commonly eaten today – is a herbaceous plant, a flowering plant whose leaves have sharp bristles on their edges.

The edible part of the artichoke, commonly called the “artichoke heart”, is actually the bud of the artichoke flower, which develops before the flower begins to bloom. A flower head is a cluster of many small flowers that grow, and the main food source of the plant.

Artichoke plants can reach six meters in diameter and three to four meters in height.

Physical description

The artichoke plant features a rosette of large, heavily toothed silvery leaves that grow up to one meter (three feet) tall and die back each year after flowering. The plants produce strong flowering branches with about three or five large flowers. If not harvested, the artichoke flower opens into a thorn-like flower head with many purple flowers.

In a cooked artichoke, the small, immature flower is the inedible “fuzz” that covers the heart of the artichoke. After four to eight years, the rosette clusters are full and the size and quality of the buds decreases. The plant is restored by planting a division of the rosette crown or rooted branches. Although the mature flower heads bear fruit, the fruit does not always look like the parent plant, so propagation is preferred.

When you will Plant the artichoke

Artichokes can be initialized by seeds, from the root of a growing grass, or from the root.
If you start yields:
Start the tree in my period during the rainy season or in the spring, about 8-10 before the corner outside. Soak the seeds in boiling water before planting them in containers or pots.
Place the tray or pot in a warm place with bright light. Keep the soil moist.
Seedlings sprout in the garden in spring, after the last spring frost. Root crops can be planted in autumn or winter in frost-free areas. In cold climates, plant the roots in the spring after the last frost.

How to plant an artichoke


Space each plant three to four feet apart in rows and leave four to five feet between rows.
The plant sleeps on the roots about six centimeters in depth. The top should be above the ground level.
Water well when planting.

Health Benefits

Can correct the cholesterol level

The minimum of artichoke paper can have a good taste in cholesterol level.

A larger consideration of over 700 people movement of eggs per day for 5 to 13 weeks caused the cholesterol and LDL (evil). Another review of 14 studies concluded that artichoke supplementation can reduce levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

Additionally, a 2012 animal study reported a 30% reduction in LDL cholesterol and a 22% reduction in triglycerides when consuming artichoke regularly. According to some old research, artichoke extract can affect cholesterol in several ways.

First, artichokes contain luteolin, an antioxidant that prevents the formation of cholesterol. Second, the fruits of artichoke letters encourage your body to heal cholesterol than, which leads to a different level

Can help organize blood pressure

Itcan help people to harvest high pressure.

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The way to remove artichoke to remove blood pressure cannot understand completely. However, some old test-tube and animal studies show that artichoke production promotes the enzyme eNOS, which plays a role in dilating blood vessels.

Also, artichokes are a good source of potassium, which helps control blood pressure.

That said, it’s not clear if eating whole artichokes provides the same benefits, as the artichoke extracts used in these studies are highly concentrated.

Can improve digestive health

Artichokes are a great source of fiber, which can help improve your digestive system by promoting good bacteria, reducing the risk of colon cancer, and reducing constipation and diarrhea. .

Artichokes contain inulin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic

In a 2010 study, the consumption of 10 g of inulin from globe artichokes improved the composition of the gut microbiome after three weeks.

According to some old studies, artichoke extract can also reduce digestive symptoms, such as constipation, nausea, and heartburn.

A small study found that drinking a supplement containing ginger and artichoke before meals improves the movement of food through the digestive tract, which can help relieve constipation.

However, since the supplement also contains ginger, it is unclear how much of these results can be attributed to the artichoke alone.

May improve liver health

Artichoke leaf extract can protect your liver from damage and promote new tissue growth

It increases bile production, which helps remove harmful toxins from your liver.
In one study, artichoke leaf extract reduced inflammation and liver cell death in mice with non-fatal liver disease.

Studies in humans also show positive effects on liver health.

For example, a trial in 90 people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease found that eating 600 milligrams (mg) of artichoke extract daily for 2 months improved liver function.

Other studies have shown that artichoke supplements can reduce liver enzyme levels. Elevated liver enzymes usually indicate inflammation or liver damage

Still, more research is needed to confirm the role of artichoke extract in treating liver disease.

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