Watermelon – Nutrition fact And Health Advantages From Watermelon


Watermelon are a delicious and refreshing low-calorie food during summer. It provides hydration and essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Along with cantaloupe, melon and cucumber, watermelons are part of the gourd family.

There are five types of watermelon: seeded, seedless, small, yellow, and orange. In this article, learn about the health and nutritional benefits of watermelon, some tips for serving it, and who should limit it.

Physical Description of Watermelon

Its vine grows on the ground and has branches, the leaves are widely spread, and the flowers are borne in one of the axils of the leaf (for example, where the leaf joins the stem).

Each purple flower is either male or female, producing only pollen or fruit, respectively. This fruit is a berry known botanically as pepo. The sweet, aromatic flesh can be red, white, or yellow; the color of the flesh, the shape of the fruit and the thickness of the rind depends on the variety.

Watermelon weights range from 1-2 kg (2.5-5 lbs) to 20 kg (44 lbs) or more. The number of fruits per product varies from 2 to 15.

Nutritional value of watermelon


low in calories

Melon fruit is low in calories. A handful of fruit is about 4 grams and has only 23 calories.


Magnesium is an essential nutrient for metabolic function. Therefore, being rich in magnesium, watermelon promotes healthy metabolism in the body. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), our body needs 420 grams of magnesium per day.


Melon fruit is a good source of zinc. It helps to improve our immunity, helps with digestion, cell growth, and improves your nervous system.


Melon is a good source of iron. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), the daily requirement of iron is 18 mg per day.

Good fat

Good fats contain both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids which are considered good fats. It helps in preventing heart attack, stroke and lowers cholesterol. Four grams of watermelon provides 0.3 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids and 1.1 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Health Advantages From Watermelon

Watermelon May improve heart health

Watermelon contains a good amount of potassium and magnesium, two important nutrients used to help remedy conditions such as high blood pressure. According to research, consuming appropriate amounts of potassium and magnesium from a nutritious diet appears to be associated with better heart health, as well as a lower risk of death from heart disease. A study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition found that eating more potassium-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables can have a positive effect on blood pressure levels, which can help reduce the risk. of diseases such as stroke and heart attack. .

Lycopene also benefits heart health by reducing inflammation, combating oxidative stress and can improve blood lipid levels. New research, including the results of the 2019 conqueration is “an effective way of increasing for urban women, that is increasingly increasing”.

Survery also shows that the benefits of gaining solid, write to the cholesterol and set up blood pressure and adults and blood pressure.

Aids in Hydration, Champion and Decoxification

The best value of Wastemelon is his higher water content. In fact, it is estimated that it is about 91% water, which can help with digestion and help remove excess water and fluids, reducing constipation and bloating.

Potassium and magnesium are also important for detoxification. Potassium acts as an electrolyte and supports healthy blood circulation while helping to regulate blood flow and hydration levels in the body, allowing oxygen to reach your cells. At the same time, magnesium reduces water retention in the intestines to overcome bloating and help you lose weight. Another interesting finding from recent animal studies is that drinking watermelon juice significantly lowers blood sugar levels in a diabetic mouse model. Beverages appear to induce changes in the composition of the gut microbiome that may have positive metabolic effects.

Watermelon Can help support our Immunity System

In animal studies, watermelon consumption has been linked to reduced inflammation and improved antioxidant capacity.

Lycopene, one of the carotenoids found in abundance in this fruit, has a powerful antioxidant effect and can help reduce oxidative stress. According to a recent study, it can also help improve your mood and protect against certain types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and macular disease.

Research shows that eating it can also increase levels of arginine, which is an essential amino acid used in the synthesis of nitric oxide. Not only does nitric oxide help dilate your blood vessels to maintain proper blood flow and reduce the risk of high blood pressure, but it also helps regulate the immune system.

This fruit is also a good source of vitamin C, an important micronutrient that does two things, working as both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent to keep your body healthy. Antioxidants can help fight free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage and stress.

Watermelon helps to Promotes healthy skin

Eating watermelon will help improve skin health by further reducing the risk of premature skin aging, protecting the skin’s elasticity and protecting your skin from free radicals. Increasing your water intake of watermelon will help you achieve glowing skin by boosting skin elasticity and hydration.

Lowers blood pressure

Eating watermelon will help fight excess sodium, which will help maintain healthy potassium intake in your body. This will help prevent high blood pressure in the body with less stress from the blood vessels and remove stored sodium through the urine. The lycopene in watermelon will also have a positive effect on your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

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