Dairy Products : Know About Its Types And Health Advantages

Dairy Products

Dairy products are derived from milk, which has been an important food source for humans for thousands of years. These include dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, kefir, ice cream and butter. Milk can be found all over the world, as well as milk from other animals such as sheep and goats, among others.

Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt each contain the nutrients your body needs. For example, all three contain protein, calcium, and vitamin B12, which help rebuild and repair body tissue, build and maintain strong bones and teeth, and improve the immune system. you become stronger, one by one.

Also, the protein, zinc, selenium, and vitamins A and D in each cup of milk help support the immune system. Milk is water, carbohydrates (in the form of lactose, simple sugar), fat (unless it is fat), vitamins, minerals and protein.

Humans have been using milk since the beginning of recorded time to provide fresh and preserved nutrition. In some countries, almost half of the milk produced is consumed as skimmed, low-fat or skimmed milk. However, most milk is processed into stable milk products for world trade, such as butter, cheese, milk powder, ice cream and condensed milk.

Types and characteristics of Dairy products

Dairy Products

Dairy producers produce many dairy products:

  • Liquid milk is the most commonly consumed, processed milk product on the market. Liquid milk includes products such as pasteurized milk, skimmed milk, processed milk, reconstituted milk, ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk and condensed milk. . All over the world, low-quality milk is consumed in its form.
  • Fermented milk is often used to make other dairy products. They are obtained by fermenting milk using appropriate microorganisms to achieve the desired acidity level. Fermented ingredients include yogurt, koumiss, dahi, labneh, ergo, tarag, kurut, and kefir. Cheese is produced by coagulation of milk protein (casein), which is separated from milk whey. Hundreds of types of cheese are produced, many of which are characteristic of certain regions of the world. However, most cheeses are produced in developed countries. Cheese can be soft, hard, medium hard, hard or hard. The different qualities of the cheese come from the differences in the composition and type of milk, the processes applied to the micro-organisms used. Traditional cheeses produced in developing countries include ayib, gibna bayda, chanco, queso fresco, akawieh and chhurpi. Butter and ghee are fatty dairy products. Butter is made by curdling milk or cream; In many developing countries, traditional butter is made by churning fermented milk. Ghee is made by extracting water from butter and is popular especially in South Asia. Ghee has a shelf life of up to two years. Condensed milk is obtained by removing water from whole milk or milk. Processing includes heat treatment and concentration. Hot milk can be sweetened or unflavored, but most are sweet. For example, in Latin America, condensed milk is often used in cooking and baking instead of jam. Skimmed milk results from the removal of whole milk or skimmed milk. Processing involves heat treatment to make the milk and bacteria healthy and stable. Evaporated milk is often mixed with other foods, such as in milk tea.
  • Milk powder or milk powder is obtained from milk and milk powder usually comes in the form of powder or granules. Cream is the part of milk that contains the most milk fat; it is extracted by pouring water or centrifugation of milk. Mixed cream includes added cream, modified cream, prepared cream, concentrated liquid cream, powdered cream, pressed cream, powdered cream, fermented cream and acidified cream. Whey products: According to FAOSTAT, whey is “the part of milk that remains after it is separated from curds and cheese. Its main products are the preparation of whey cheese, whey juice and fermented whey juice. The main industrial uses are the production of lactose, whey paste and dried whey. Whey can be sweet (from the production of rennet-coagulated cheese) or sour (from the production of cheese-coagulated cheese).
  • Casein is the main protein in milk and is used as an ingredient in many products, including cheese, baked goods, paint and glue. It is extracted from milk produced by precipitation of rennet or harmless lactic acid bacteria.

Buying and selling

Milk and other dairy products occupy an important place in the diet of many countries, especially Western countries. Milk is often sold as pasteurized, replaced, and in some cases, it is diluted, whole, melted, melted, evaporated, and powdered. Check the expiration date shown on the packaging.

Choose a cheese of the same color and consistency that defines its style, soft, creamy, yellow and uncured. Avoid those with chalky interior and rough fur.

Here are some steps to save cheaters:

Always cook and cool milk before use (pasteurization). Do not store milk, cream and soft cheese exposed at room temperature. Some hard cheeses, however, can withstand temperatures of 4 to 30 °C without much risk of microbial attack.

Health Advantages of Dairy Products

Digestive health

A growing body of research supports the role of gut health in overall health and well-being. Some fermented foods contain probiotics; Active bacterial cultures have unique characteristics that allow them to survive in the gastrointestinal tract. When eaten properly, they provide health benefits and can maintain the natural balance of the gut microbiota.

Fermented dairy products such as yogurt, cultured drinks, and kefir are among the most common and readily available sources of probiotics. These products are a good vehicle for probiotics because the composition of milk (which includes carbohydrates, proteins and fats) acts as a protective matrix to help probiotics survive through the digestive system and intestines. , especially helping them to survive bad weather conditions.

dental health

Maintaining good dental health involves more than just oral hygiene. Good food and eating habits also help to keep teeth healthy. Milk products have a special role to play in dental health because they have a special combination of nutrients that prevent cavities such as calcium, phosphorus and protein, casein. Milk has been linked to a reduced risk of cavities, making it a good drink choice between meals, and hard cheese has been linked to a reduced risk of dental cavities and erosion. The Australian Dental Association recommends eating a small amount of cheese after eating sugary foods or drinks to help protect teeth and reduce the risk of tooth decay. Muscle mass and hydration

It’s well known that eating protein after a workout helps build muscle mass, but not all protein works just as well. There is a reason why the proteins found in milk – whey and casein – are often used in nutritional supplements designed to support or build muscle mass. Milk is high in protein that provides all the amino acids needed to build and maintain body mass. Milk’s unique combination of casein and whey contains amino acids in a similar order to protein. Casein is a fast-digesting, fast-releasing protein that slows down tissue breakdown. Whey is a fast-acting, fast-absorbing protein that is high in leucine – a branched-chain amino acid. Leucine specifically stimulates the building of new tissue.

Milk also helps in rehydration after exercise by replacing water and electrolytes (sodium and potassium) in the right way. Other nutrients in milk, such as protein, help the body retain water more effectively. For more information on how dairy products can support an active lifestyle and help you reach your health goals, check out Sports and Exercise.

Heart health

Dairy products have been linked to many health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease and a reduced risk of stroke. Fat-free and low-fat dairy products are part of the current dietary guidelines for Americans, and the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends healthy eating habits for Americans 2 years and older. Prevention of diabetes

A growing body of research shows that eating dairy products is associated with many health benefits, such as a lower risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). This research provides additional support for consuming low-fat or fat-free dairy foods as recommended in the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Dairy products and diabetes prevention

Eating dairy products can contribute to improving insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation. Some cross-sectional studies have shown a reduction in fasting blood sugar and type 2 diabetes with an increase in dairy products. However, no correlation can be determined from these studies. The results of this systematic review that examined milk consumption and its effect on blood sugar control found that excessive alcohol consumption can increase insulin sensitivity. Perhaps the combination of calcium and magnesium consumed in food, as opposed to supplements, can show an increase in insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Many studies have found no connection between drinking milk and better blood sugar levels.

Another study found that a high protein diet that includes milk protein provides a long-term benefit in insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation compared to a diet that includes soy protein. In addition, those who ate a dairy meal (ie milk or yogurt) compared to those who ate a high carbohydrate meal two hours before the mixed meal had a reduction in blood sugar levels.

Although dairy products may play a role in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, improving insulin sensitivity and regulating blood sugar, further research is recommended because the evidence is not yet available. As you can see, there are many health benefits of including milk and low-fat dairy products in a healthy diet. The key is to balance your diet and eat a variety of foods in the right way.

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