Jamun – Discuss about Its Nutrition facts and Health Benefits

About Jamun

Jamun is a nutritious fruit that has various nutritional properties. It is a source of antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus and flavonoids. It also contains other nutrients such as sodium, thiamin, riboflavin, carotene, fiber, niacin, folic acid, protein and fat.

It is a fruit that has been used in Ayurvedic treatment and medicine since ancient times. You can find Jamun in two types – one is the white flesh type and the other is the yellow flesh type.

Jamun is known to cure many health problems like heart problems, diabetes, skin problems, infections, asthma, stomach pain, flatulence and many other health problems. Jamun can be eaten as a fruit, prepared as a drink, or even used in powder form. It can be used in many healthy recipes such as salads and smoothies to help with weight loss. Jamun is a nutritious summer fruit that has many health benefits.

The fruit is often called Indian blackberry, Java plum, or black plum. There are two types of jamun – one variety is the white Jamun, while the other is the yellow flesh type. The white jamun has a high amount of pectin and the yellow flesh type has a low amount. Pectin is a substance that works as an agent in the preparation of jellies and jams.

Jamun also has many medicinal properties and is highly recommended in Ayurveda to treat many health problems. It helps in conditions such as stomach pain, arthritis, heart problems, flatulence, asthma, dysentery and stomach spasms.

The black plum can be eaten raw or even flavored in juice. The fruit is used in a variety of foods such as smoothies and salads, while the fruit can be eaten in powder form. Today, the leaves, bark, and seeds are used to make dietary supplements in capsule and tablet form.

Planting and management

A 90 x 90 x 90 cm pit can be made and filled with well-rotted garden food. Planting is usually done at the beginning of the rainy season. Being a strong tree requires a wide space of 10m x 10m, but now a narrow space of 8m x 8m or even 5m x 5m is recommended to accommodate more trees in the same area.
Apart from FYM, ICAR recommends a fertilizer dose of 125 g N, 50 g P205 and 50 g K20. Watering is not recommended. However, during the first few years of planting, watering during the summer months helps in better plant growth and establishment. Pruning can be done to adjust the size of the tree and achieve the desired construction. Mulching and intercropping help control weeds in orchards.

Many Uses of Jamun Tree


The fruit is eaten when it is ripe, which is made into jam, jelly, juice, etc.
This wood is used as fuel, being a fast growing wood, giving the first growing wood. Red or brown heartwood is used to deal with things. It is hard and is found in boat building, agricultural implements, car wheels, textile construction, and the manufacture of musical instruments, especially harps. Tannin or dye from the bark gives the brown color.
Fruits are also used to prepare wine. Medicines are used for many things:
The seeds and bark are well known for controlling high blood sugar or diabetes.
The fruit is used as a colic aid. The fruit is also used as antibacterial, antifungal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and gastroprotective agents.
Recent studies have shown that it protects against damage caused by radiation.

Nutritional value of Jamun

Jamun is a nutritious fruit. It is rich in antioxidants, phosphorus, calcium and flavonoids. It also contains other nutrients that the human body needs, such as fiber, folic acid, fat, protein, sodium, riboflavin, thiamin, carotene, etc. Its medicinal use dates back to ancient times where it is commonly used in Ayurvedic treatment.

Health benefits

Keep skin Healthy

Jamun also has an astringent effect, which is good for skin health. It will save you from pimples, wrinkles, acne and spots. In addition, vitamin C in Jamun has anti-inflammatory properties that help to soften your skin and improve its appearance.

It can manage diabetes

Since Jamun has few calories, it is good for people with diabetes. In addition, studies show that Jamun contains polyphenolic substances, which help to treat diabetes.

Increases the amount of hemoglobin

Jamun, which is rich in iron and vitamin C, increases hemoglobin levels. Your blood will carry more oxygen to the body and make you feel better as your hemoglobin level increases. The iron in apples also helps keep your blood clean.
Astringent Properties: Jamun has astringent properties that help prevent acne on the skin. If you have oily skin, you should eat jamun because it will make your skin younger and fairer.

Supports heart health

Jamun, which is rich in potassium, is very good for your heart. For 100 grams of Jamun, there are about 55 mg of potassium. The fruit is useful in preventing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. It also prevents hardening of your muscles and keeps them healthy.

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