Suran – Discuss about its plant description and Heath benefits

About Suran

The bulb or tuber of Amorphophallus campanulatus is commonly known as Suran, Sooran, Zamikand, Jimikand and elephant foot yam. It is grown all over India and is often used as a vegetable. Suran is cooked as a vegetable only after it is washed, cut and boiled with lemon, tamarind, alum or vinegar to get rid of the irritants.

Suran is also used as a medicine in the treatment of hemorrhoids, severe dyspepsia, abdominal colic, elephantiasis, fistula, glandular inflammation of the neck, urinary diseases and dropsy. It belongs to the Panchagni/Pancha hutashna of Ayurveda and is especially helpful in constipation, hemorrhoids, liver disease and digestive problems. It is one of the best vegetables for patients with chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.

General information

Description of the plant: Elephant Yam is a warm plant and requires loamy soil that is not alkaline, temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius and rainfall between 1000 and 1200 mm / year. When conditions are wet, leaves grow. Dry soil favors tuber growth.

The plant is a stemless herb with tuberous roots. The tuber is underground stem. It is subglobose, depressed, bulbiferous, dark gray brown, warty, and 18-25 cm thick. Rootlets are good. The petiole is well formed from the depressed part of the globose tubercle next to the spathe and spadix.

The spathe has a wide bell-shaped, greenish-green leaf with white spots on the outside, yellow and purple underneath. Spadix strong, with a pistillate area at the base, on the surface and the upper part, subglobose or amorphous, pale yellow, appendages are not good, spongy, wider tall and white inside. Sometimes the tuber has several bulbils, each of which does not give rise to a spathe or spadix, but only a petiole with leaves.

Requirements for planting Suran



Suran vegetables grow best in full sun, so avoid growing them in the shade for most of the day. Choose a location that receives at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight. Land

Avoid growing with elephant feet and compact soil. If you are using garden soil, amend it with lots of organic matter, vermicompost and cow dung. A pH range of 5.5 to 7.0 is ideal for growing Suran vegetables.


If you want good quality and big tubers, you need to take care of watering. Elephant’s feet like to stay in the water all the time. To make sure that this happens, water the plant once every 3-4 days or whenever the surface feels a little dry to the touch.

Health Benefits of Suran

It is an anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory

Elephant’s foot or suran is an effective blood thinner and can be useful in reducing the risk of heart attack. Vegetables help reduce the stiffness that develops in veins and arteries. This practice helps reduce high blood pressure and also prevents other problems, such as heart disease.

Benefits of Suran or Elephant Foot Yam for Lowering Cholesterol

It is known to have a great effect in reducing the level of bad cholesterol or LDL in our body. This is often used as a slimming diet. Omega-3 fatty acids in suran help to increase the level of good cholesterol or HDL in our body and reduce the level of low density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein. Suran has a low content of about 0.2% to 0.4% and a high level of about 1.7% fiber, making it a good food for those who want to lose weight.

Benefits of Suran for Cancer Prevention

Suran or elephant foot is also known to prevent cancer. Not only are omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, but diosgenin compounds are also said to be effective in preventing the formation of cancer cells. This is found in Suran or Elephant Foot Yam and helps improve the immune system to fight cancer and our cancer.

Benefits of Suran in Diabetes Management:

Suran or elephant foot is recommended in the diet of patients with diabetes. This is due to the low glycemic index, which indicates that it slowly raises blood sugar. Some of the compounds found in Suran are also known to show insulin-promoting activity.

Detox Benefits of Suran or Elephant Foot Yam

Suran or elephant foot is a powerful poison. The rich fiber content in vegetables indicates the destruction of toxins in the liver. Suran is well known for its hepatoprotective activity. It helps well cleaning of other parts as years as the years, as the year in the stomach, which makes them go to the pathgens

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