Camachile – Discuss About Its Planting and health benefits

About Camachile

Camachile, also known as “tree tomato”, is a fruit from Latin America. It is found in countries like Mexico or Colombia!

The outer skin of the Camachiles is green and when you open it, the fruits are red inside and small seeds in the center, like an apple . They are sweet and tart while tasting like strawberries, oranges, and pineapple all at the same time.

Mangosteen has a sweet taste that can remind you of lychees or raspberries while they have soft notes like lemon or grapefruit.

Camachile (Pithecellobium dulce) is a small, grainy, green-yellow plant that grows in North and South America. Known as a tropical fruit, camachile has a sweet pod-like fruit that is thought to be native to Mexico and Brazil.

Due to its adaptability to high temperatures, drought-resistant qualities, beautiful beauty and commercial purposes, special travelers, tourists and farmers in other parts of the world later introduced it. This includes parts of India, Hawaii, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, parts of tropical Africa and Bolivia.

This wonderful fruit is often called madras herb, manila tamarind, quamochitl, opium, jilapi, kaiyan, makham thet, chiminango, jungle jalebi or monkey meat, depending on what the natives (especially in the specific area and question ) know. such as.

How to Care Camachile tree?


Humidity: Requires regular and moderate watering. However, it is also drought and salt tolerant, so it can survive in dry climates in coastal areas. Soil: It grows best in well-drained, fertile soil, although it can adapt to any type of soil including clay, limestone and sand or poor soil.

Health Benefits

Helps boost immune function

Rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, camacile can help us boost our immune system, thus improving our defense against disease and disease prevention. Rich in vitamin C helps reduce phlegm. Get this benefit by consuming a glass of camacile juice.

It is good for the skin

Apart from boosting our immunity, vitamin C is also important for the health of our skin. It helps to improve the appearance of our skin, reduces acne and dark spots, slows down aging and helps to make the skin brighter and brighter.

Help with toothache problems

Treating toothache at home often involves pain management. For this, you will prepare a decoction by boiling camachile leaves in 150 ml of water for 5 to 10 minutes. Take away. Walk daily in the morning to fight toothache.

It is good for bones and muscles

Camachile fruit is rich in calcium and phosphorus, two minerals that our body needs to make bones strong. In addition, the pods also contain protein, an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

Natural treatment for dysentery

Dysentery is an inflammation of the intestines that can lead to mild or severe diarrhea and severe diarrhea with mucus or blood in the stool. Camachile contains strong antioxidants such as flavonoids and quercetin that work well to eliminate harmful radicals and toxins in the stomach and intestines. For home treatment, camachile bark can be soaked in 150ml of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Strain, let cool and drink.

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