Bathua – Know about Plant Description and Various Health Benefits

About Bathua

Bathua is an annual grass or weed that is intercropped with other crops. It is a plant of the Amaranthaceae family. Bathua is called “White goosefoot” in English and “Bathua” in Hindi. The scientific name of this vegetable is “Chenopodium album”.

Bathua has amazing health benefits. This plant has a lot of nutrients that can cure various diseases or health problems. Bathua is a European and Asian city. This vegetable is found in Australia, India, South Africa and the United States. It is a weed that grows well in gardens and crops, nurseries and occasional pastures.


Bathua is a common herb that grows in India as well as in Australia, South Africa and America. The plant grows quickly with arrow-shaped leaves. The leaves have a wax-like coating on their surface, and a whitish coating underneath.

In India, especially in the north, bathua leaves are eaten in many places especially in winter. The fruits are also valued for their food and eaten as grain. Bathua has been a staple food for many ancient civilizations. Bathua has been eaten well since ancient times in Europe, China and India.

Description of plants

Bathua is a fast-growing, upright, creeping summer annual or herb growing to 10 to 150 cm in height of about 5 feet. It is found almost everywhere; especially along the road, fields, lawns and waste places, prefer fertile soil, loamy, well. Its week is angled or broken, upright, and usually purple, pink or yellow in color.

Mature plants are medium in size and upright with beautiful red, pink, purple, yellow or green color. The leaves are different, simple, green on the top and white on the bottom. Its leaves are 3-6 inches long and 3-6 inches wide. Small, leafless, gray-green flowers grow on stems. Flowers can be gray and green. Flowers bloom from May to November. The disc-shaped seeds are shiny black, brown or brown in color. The seeds are round and split in green and black colors.

Health benefits

It is rich in vitamin C:

Bathua plant is very beneficial for your bones and teeth because it is rich in vitamin C. The properties of the vitamin also work as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Vitamin C can help repair blood vessels and repair damaged capillaries after injury. This is why Bathua juice can take care of your daily vitamin supplements and other related benefits. Protects the liver

Many elderly people today suffer from liver damage due to poor or excessive alcohol consumption. Bathua helps protect the liver from these factors and also protects against toxicity caused by various drugs or medicines. Bathua helps reduce liver enzymes that cause liver damage. For this, prepare 10-15 ml of juice from soft leaves and stems from the Bathua plant, add a pinch of juice and take it three times a day after meals. Makes a healthy diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is the key to reducing many age-related and energy-related problems. In this case, the benefits of Jilimili can be seen. Digestive system problems can be solved by taking just 10ml of Bathua vegetable juice which works as a cure for stomach problems.

good for diabetes

There is a negative correlation between regular consumption of Bathua leaves and the onset of diabetes. The leaves of the Bathua plant help to reduce the level of sugar in the blood and thereby reduce the risk of diabetes and other related problems.

However, it should be taken with a doctor’s advice before using it as a medicine and consumers should follow a proper diet and medicine. Bathua leaf juice can be mixed with a little lemon juice and consumed twice a day.

Promotes eye health

At this time, children are very interested in technological tools that can lead to not being able to see from a young age. The amount of zinc and iron in the Bathua plant helps to improve eyesight, because low zinc deficiency in the body can affect the eyesight. So, if you want your eyes to be healthy, you can take this vegetable as a dietary supplement as well as medicine.

Good for hair

Chenopodium album can play an effective role in maintaining the health of your hair. Chenopodium album contains protein, minerals and vitamins that help to strengthen the hair, reduce hair loss and make it shine. dental health

The leaves of the Chenopodium Album plant can reduce bad breath, bleeding gums, sensitive teeth and other dental problems.

Good value for money

Since the benefits of Chenopodium Album herbs are found in maintaining the health of your digestive system and regulating bowel movements properly, it helps people suffering from hemorrhoids. Scabies is a painful condition that causes inflammation due to the loss of energy. To get rid of this painful and irritating disease, you need to eat Chenopodium Album twice a day.

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