Mint – Discuss about Its Planting and Various Health Benefits

About Mint

Mint, (genus Mentha), a genus of 25 species of aromatic herbs in the mint family (Lamiaceae). Native to Eurasia, North America, South Africa and Australia, mints are widely distributed in the tropical regions of the world and are widely produced. Various species, especially peppermint and spearmint, are used as flavorings for foods (including candies and gums) and for alcohol and toothpaste. Mint essential oil is used as an aromatic fragrance. Some species are often used in herbal medicine.

Mint -planting 

Mints are hardy perennials that do well in warm soil with good drainage.
Ideally, they prefer areas with warm water, such as their habitat near streams. Most will grow in sun or partial shade; Different species may require protection from direct sunlight.

For outdoor growing, plant a potted plant or two (or a cutting or two from a friend) about 2 feet apart in moist soil. One or two plants will easily cover the ground. Mint should reach 1 or 2 feet tall. Mint is a hardy grower and needs to be contained or it will send out runners and spread across your garden. The main thing is to have the roots of the plant. Either in the ground or above ground, plant mint in pots. We recommend planting each mint in a 10 inch pot with drainage holes. You can place this pot in the ground or in another large clay pot.

If you accept mint as a ground cover and understand that it can become harmful, plant it in its own bed or in different places. In the garden, plant mint next to cabbages and tomatoes, again in pots, to prevent it from spreading and stealing food from your plants!

Physical description

Mints have square stems and non-aromatic leaves. Many can spread weeds by stolons and can be aggressive in the garden. The small flowers are usually yellow, pink or white in color, they are arranged in clusters, or they are shaped like beards or gathered in a spike together. The flowers are not the same as the others in the family, with four rather than five jointed. Volatile oils are found in the resinous parts of the leaves and stems.

Different types


Spearmint and curly mint are commonly grown for use as herbs in cooking and drinking. Peppermint is a little hard to use fresh for many culinary purposes. Instead, it is harvested and processed into peppermint oil, which is used in flavoring and can be refined into menthol.

You can find other varieties of mint that have a pleasant taste and aroma. Apple mint has a pleasant aroma; Orange mint has a citrus flavor; Mint chocolate has a slight taste of chocolate.

Health benefits of mint

Mint is the name of more than a dozen species of plants, including peppermint and spearmint, from the genus Mentha.

These plants are especially known for the feeling of freshness they provide. They can be added to fresh and dried foods.

Mint is a popular ingredient in many foods and beverages, from teas and alcoholic beverages to sauces, salads and desserts. Although eating the plant provides some health benefits, research shows that most of the health benefits of mint come from applying it topically, inhaling it, or taking it in capsule form.

Can reduce breathing problems

Research by Professor Ron Eccles of the University of Wales, UK, shows that menthol, which is found in mint, can help relieve nasal congestion. It can also be very effective in clearing congestion in the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs, which can reduce breathing problems that often result from asthma and colds.

Since it can cool and soothe the throat, nose, and other airways, it can also reduce the irritation that causes a chronic cough. This is the main reason why many balms are based on mint. Unlike aerosol-based inhalers, those with mint as the main ingredient tend to be more environmentally friendly.

May help relieve constipation

Mint can also be effective in alleviating other digestive problems such as upset stomach and indigestion.

Digestive problems can occur when food sits for too long in the stomach before it passes through the other parts of the digestive system. Many studies have shown that food passes through the stomach faster when people eat peppermint oil, which can relieve the symptoms of this type of indigestion.

Clinical studies on people suffering from constipation have shown that a combination of peppermint oil and caraway oil taken in capsules has a similar effect to the medicines used to treat constipation. It helped improve stomach pain and other digestive symptoms

As with IBS, studies detailing peppermint’s ability to relieve constipation have used peppermint oil rather than fresh or dried leaves.

Can reduce breathing problems

Research by Professor Ron Eccles of the University of Wales, UK, shows that menthol, which is found in mint, can help relieve nasal congestion. It can also be very effective in clearing congestion in the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs, which can reduce breathing problems that often result from asthma and colds.

Since it can cool and soothe the throat, nose, and other airways, it can also reduce the irritation that causes a chronic cough. This is the main reason why many balms are based on mint. Unlike aerosol-based inhalers, those with mint as the main ingredient tend to be more environmentally friendly.

May help relieve constipation

Mint can also be effective in alleviating other digestive problems such as upset stomach and indigestion.

Digestive problems can occur when food sits for too long in the stomach before it passes through the other parts of the digestive system. Many studies have shown that food passes through the stomach faster when people eat peppermint oil, which can relieve the symptoms of this type of indigestion.

Clinical studies on people suffering from constipation have shown that a combination of peppermint oil and caraway oil taken in capsules has a similar effect to the medicines used to treat constipation. It helped improve stomach pain and other digestive symptoms

As with IBS, studies detailing peppermint’s ability to relieve constipation have used peppermint oil rather than fresh or dried leaves.

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