Red cabbage – One of the Best vegetables for Health

Red cabbage

Red cabbage is a vegetable, cruciferous or brassica, related to cauliflower and kale. It is sometimes called purple cabbage because of its reddish-purple leaves. Red cabbage is usually smaller and smaller than green cabbage and has a spicy taste.

This variety of cabbage gets its purple-red color from the flavonoid anthocyanin and the acidity level of the soil where it is grown. Like many healthy vegetables, it is highly nutritious, low in fat and calories, and has many health benefits.

When and where to grow red cabbage

Usually, this crop is planted from February to mid-April for sowing from April to early June and harvesting in August and November.

Sow in early spring to harvest before summer heat to avoid wilting. Red cabbage is a biennial crop but is often grown as an annual.

Red cabbage grows best in wet areas with well-drained soil. The structure around the area should be flat or gently sloping so as not to move the water of the seeds during planting.

This is especially true when the production is commercial. It must be grown in the sun.

Cabbage can be grown indoors, in a container or garden.

Harvesting and conservation

Red cabbage

Red cabbage takes 70 days to mature. At this time, it should have a green and purple color. Harvest by cutting off the head of red cabbage and leaving the outer leaves and roots in the soil.

This allows for recovery. Harvest only in the cool of the day, especially in the morning.

You can produce 3 or 4 small buds from this plant. You can also harvest by pulling the cabbage whole because it has shallow fibrous roots that are easy to pull out of the ground.

After harvesting, it is necessary to destroy all the root systems to reduce the recurrence of soil-borne diseases. Heads of cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Wrap it tightly with a polythene sheet to retain its nutrients and texture. When storing cut cabbage, store it for 2 days at the most because of its high tendency to spoil.

Health advantages Of Red cabbage

Fights inflammation

Chronic low back pain can contribute to many diseases. It has been linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and more. Red cabbage can fight inflammation because of its powerful nutrients. A test tube study using a working human colon model found that it could reduce colon markers by 40%. Studies have also shown that sulforaphane can provide anti-inflammatory effects.

Interestingly, one study found that red bark can provide pain-relieving effects when applied topically. Adults with arthritis who wrapped cabbage leaves around their knees once a day reported less pain after a four-week study.

Improve liver health

As one of the best sources of dietary indole, cruciferous vegetables like red cabbage can play a beneficial role in protecting your liver. Recent studies have shown that high levels of indole are associated with low levels of liver disease. There is also some evidence that indole can treat and repair liver damage.

Indole can contribute to liver health by reducing the level of toxins in the liver and limiting their effects. Part of this benefit may come from the fact that it helps promote the health of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in the intestines.

Can improve bowel health

Red cabbage can affect intestinal health in a number of beneficial ways. The first is that it is a source of fiber that can help digestion, feed the healthy bacteria, and always improve. Studies have shown that this cabbage can also reduce inflammation of the intestines, possibly through its ability to promote the growth of SCFA.

Higher levels of SCFAs are associated with better liver health and gastrointestinal problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease and colitis.

Fight against cancer

No wonder why red cabbage is classified as the best food. Red cabbage is a source of antioxidants, especially anthocyanins. According to one study, anthocyanins in red cabbage can fight the effects of free radicals in the body and prevent oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress can damage DNA and stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Red cabbage also contains glucosinolates that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body. According to a study published regularly in the Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology, raw cabbage can protect your body only from certain types of cancer such as breast, bowel, and colorectal cancer. Maintain a healthy brain

The brain is one of the most important organs in the body. Brain damage or any problem that occurs in the brain can be very serious. Red cabbage contains minerals such as magnesium and manganese that help protect brain cells and maintain nerve function. Regular consumption of red cabbage can also prevent the body from getting magnesium deficiency which leads to many neurological problems.

Aids in weight loss

Eating a bunch of red cabbage will fill you up, but you don’t have to worry because it’s low in calories and won’t make you gain weight. The fiber content of red cabbage also binds fat and prevents fat absorption in the body. If you are dieting and want to have a slimmer waist, you can try eating it for real.

High blood pressure

Red cabbage contains some potassium that can help maintain high blood pressure. As we know that high blood pressure is one of the most serious health problems that many people have today, those who suffer from high blood pressure should .

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