Strawberry fruit – Top Health Benefits From Strawberry

Strawberry Fruit

The strawberry fruit (Fragaria) is a heart-shaped red fruit, which is valued for its sweet taste and nutritional value. The country of many parts of the world, it belongs to the rose family and has a different fragrance. Despite its name, the strawberry is not a berry from a botanical point of view. It is a collection of quick fruits, which means that the fleshy part does not come from the ovaries of the plant.

Instead, each visible seed covering its surface is one of the flower’s ovaries. Strawberry leaves are also eaten boiled and boiled. It can be taken in the form of antioxidant-rich strawberry tea.

Why strawberries called strawberries

One theory is that forest harvesters cut them into pieces of grass to transport them to market. Others think that the surface of the fruit looks like it is full of grass. Others believe that the name comes from the Old English meaning “to sow,” as the runners of the plant stray in all directions and appear to be sprinkled on the ground.

The full moon of June is called the Strawberry Moon because when this moon appears, it means it’s time to start picking berries.

Physical description of Strawberries

Strawberries are small growing herbaceous plants with a fibrous root system and a crown of basal leaves arising from it. The leaves are compound, usually three-leafed, serrate and often hairy. Flowers, generally white, is carried into small bones and slish slams, such as the upper grass, axils of the paper. As parts of a tree, a root system and “mother” sent to the runner (for example, Stolons) that touches the landscape. In terms of crops, the strawberry is considered a “useful fruit” and not a true berry. The flesh is a very extensive flower storage and contains many true seeds, or achenes, which are commonly called seeds.

Vitamins in strawberries


A cup of strawberries contains more than 100% of the minimum daily requirement for immune-supporting vitamin C. In addition to working as an antioxidant that fights disease and aging, vitamin C helps to create collagen and maintain health. Strawberries are also rich in antioxidant and other anti-inflammatory compounds. This is one of the reasons why fruits, including strawberries, are associated with brain health. In one study, elderly women who eat at least one pair of strawberries (one serving is eight fruits) per week have reduced cognitive function.

Befits of Health Through Strawberries

Strawberries are beneficial for diabetics

Strawberries may be sweet, but this fruit is a useful remedy for people suffering from diabetes. Strawberries have a low glycemic index and high fiber content, making them an excellent fruit choice. In 2011, researchers found that eating 37 strawberries per day can reduce the complications of diabetes, including kidney disease and neuropathy. We know 37 may seem like a big number, so eat what feels good to you – every little bit counts.

Strawberries protect the heart

As Dr. According to Aedin Cassidy from Norwich Medical School in the UK, at least three times of strawberries a week can protect heart function and make your heart healthy.

Similarly, a Harvard study found that anthocyanins, a group of flavonoids found in strawberries, reduced the risk of heart attack by 32%. In addition, the flavonoid quercetin, which is also found in strawberries, has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

The large amount of polyphenols in strawberries reduces the risk of heart disease by inhibiting the formation of platelets and reduces blood pressure through its anti-inflammatory mechanism. This makes strawberrie fruit is very important to promote health.

The grass makes the eye

Most related issues are of the generation of radical. Aging and nutrient deficiencies cause free radicals to damage the eyes such as damage to the optic nerve, increased eye disease, and macular degeneration among others.

Strawberries contain Ellagic acid, flavonoids, and phenolic phytochemicals that help prevent such problems to a great extent. Also, strawberries also contain potassium which helps to control eye pressure.

Strawberries help prevent cancer

Free radicals are constantly produced in the body as a byproduct of cellular metabolism. These harmful products are responsible for turning healthy cells into cancer cells. A serving of strawberries will do you a world of good. Strawberries contain vitamin C, anthocyanins, kaempferol, folate, and quercetin to name a few.

Together, these flavonoids make up the antioxidant and anticarcinogenic qualities of the strawberry. The same fruit of the fruit can help make your reply and suffer growth. Apparently being given a grass and descending on fast and metastases cell coelt, which can help stimulate the treatment at the same time.

Strawberry helps to improve the quality of the skin

Vitamin C, which is rich in strawberries, prevents free radical activity that can lead to skin aging, such as fine lines, headaches and skin aging. Strawberries contain ellagic acid, an antioxidant that promotes collagen production and provides UV protection; thus, making the skin soft and smooth. Strawberry strengthens the immune system

Your immune system is the first line of defense against virus attacks and other potentially dangerous conditions. Strawberries are a good source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that prevents free radicals and promotes the immune system’s response to diseases such as the common cold.

Strawberries improve cognitive function

Loss of memory and control of nerve function, which is due to natural aging, is often expected in the elderly. However, free radicals can cause the brain to age and the nervous system to develop. Free radicals, harmful byproducts of cell metabolism, create what is called oxidative stress, which damages muscles.

Fortunately, strawberries are rich in vitamin C and phytochemicals that help stimulate the nervous system. In addition, strawberries are also a good source of iodine useful for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system.

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