Guava Fruits – Varieties , Medical Propeties And Health Benefits


Guava tree, (Psidium guajava), a small tree or shrub of the tropics of the family Myrtaceae, which is cultivated for its fruit. Guavas are native to the Americas and grow in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Guava fruits are made into jams, jellies and preserves and are used as fillings for baking. fresh guavas are rich in vitamins A, B and C; they are often eaten raw and can be sliced ​​and served with sugar and cream as a dessert

There is a lot of fiber in this fruit. Citric acid is also present in this fruit. Protein and vitamins are also found in guava. Vitamin C, A and B are present in it. Guava contains more vitamin C than orange. Potassium and magnesium elements are also in good quantity in this fruit. Guava is also rich in antioxidants.

Varieties of Guava

Lucknow-49: It bears greenish-purple fruits with firm surface and milky white color. The skin is small and has a small soft seed and kernel. Due to their sweetness and low number of seeds, they are in demand in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. This is a yield capacity of 25 tonnes/ha.

Allahabad Safeda: A variety of guava with a round shape, sweet-smelling flesh, soft skin and a weight of 180-200 grams and a half. It has few seeds inside and is very popular in Uttar Pradesh for guava cultivation. The expected weight is 20-25 tons and has high stability.
Lalit: The fruits grow yellow saffron in color and red color in the body where the pulp is hard and pinkish. It is very tasty with a combination of sweet and sour and TSS of vitamin C @ 250 mg / 100 grams. It is good for table and arrangement. With a production capacity of 100-125 kg per plant per year, Lalit is ranked as the top producer of his group.
Arka Mridula: This type of guava fruit is round and weighs almost 180g. Has a very yellow skin and a white and sweet plum. Its TSS is 12.0 Brix. The soft pome fruit is stable and the best for the table and processing.
Sweater: The fruit has a large skin and weighs about 200-225 g. The pulp is snow-white and contains sugar and acid. TSS from 12.5 to 15.0 Brix and contains about 300 mg / 100 g of vitamin C; it gives a yield of almost 90 kg / plant per year. Chittidar: It has many similarities with Allahabad Safeda and is distinguished by its pink spot on the tip of the fruit.

Medicinal properties of guava


Many medicinal properties are found in Guava . Guava and other products from this tree have antimicrobial, antifungal, antidiabetic and anti-diarrheal properties. The use of guava can prove beneficial in gastrointestinal infections, malaria, respiratory infections, oral/dental infections, skin infections, diabetes, heart and malnutrition related problems. Not only this, many scientific studies have also proved it useful for women’s health problems, kidney and cancer (1). Further the benefits of guava are explained in detail.

Health Advantages of Guava

benefits of guava for eyes

Nowadays, children’s eyes start getting weak from a young age. Watching more TV, studying for long hours, reading in less light, increasing age and sometimes lack of nutritious diet, becomes the reason for this problem. In such a situation, guava can be included in the diet. It is rich in essential vitamins like Vitamin-A, C and folate. Along with this, elements like zinc and copper are also found in it. All of these nutrients can help maintain eye health as well as reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases.

benefits of guava for weight loss

The answer to how much weight a healthy person should have according to his height is calculated through Body Mass Index (BMI). Higher body mass index indicates obesity. According to a study published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information), a supplement made from ripe guava with the skin on can lower body mass index. Along with the supplement, ripe guava can also be consumed. However, more research is needed on how guava may be beneficial in reducing body mass index and obesity.

benefits of guava for diabetes

The benefits of guava can be seen in diabetes. Guava without the skin is believed to help lower blood sugar. At the same time, a research shows that the polysaccharide element present in guava can help in reducing type-2 diabetes. On the other hand, guava leaf extract also has anti-hyperglycemic effects, which can help control blood sugar. Therefore, guava can be included in the diet for diabetes.

benefits of guava for cancer prevention

The benefits of guava can also be seen in the prevention of cancer. Research related to this mentions that guava can be helpful in reducing the risk of prostate cancer (associated with the prostate gland). Actually, it contains an element called lycopene, which can exhibit chemopreventive effect against prostate cancer cells . This can protect against the risk of prostate cancer. At the same time, readers should also keep in mind that guava is not a medical cure for cancer in any way. If someone is in the grip of cancer, then it is necessary to get him medical treatment.

Benefits of guava for proper digestion

Guava can help improve the digestive system. Actually, a scientific research related to this mentions that guavas are rich in dietary fiber and fiber deficiency can cause constipation problem . In such a situation, constipation can be relieved by supplying fiber in the body through guava, which works to affect the digestive system.

benefits of guava leaves

Green leaves of guava are not only helpful in controlling blood sugar, but regular use of them helps you to prevent diarrhea, reduce cholesterol level, reduce weight, fight cancer, increase eyesight, and improve skin texture.

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