Meaning of Mental Health And its Importance In Life

Mental Health

Mental health is very important for everyone, everywhere, and goes beyond just not having a mental health condition. It is an important part of well-being, helping people to realize their full potential, showing resilience in the face of problems, being productive in various situations of daily life, creating meaningful relationships and giving hand in their country. 

Physical, mental, social, cultural, spiritual and other related factors contribute to mental health, and there is an inextricable connection between mental health and physical health. The promotion and protection of mental health is also important for the proper functioning of society. It promotes community capital and unity, essential in times of crisis.

Mental health History

An article in the journal World Psychiatry indicates that mental health became its own field of study in 1946 at the International Health Conference.

It was at this conference that the World Health Organization (WHO) was founded. WHO guidelines state that mental “well-being” is an important part of general health, even in the absence of mental illness.

Before Mental health, “Mental health” was a term used in the 19th and 20th centuries to refer to the effects of mental processes on overall health. The mental hygiene movement was founded in the United States in 1908. Its purpose was to support the “mentally ill” or people with mental disorders, in a more positive way,

since people with mental illnesses were abused in ‘history, ignores it. , and lack of adequate supervision. Although the stigma associated with mental illness still exists, many people have come to understand the importance of receiving treatment, such as psychotherapy, to maintain their mental well-being, whether they have a mental illness or not.

In addition, extensive research has shown that positive mental health is associated with a better quality of life, including better productivity, better relationships, better education, and better relationships.

How do mental health professionals diagnose problems?


A psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker or mental health professional can diagnose mental health problems. Your primary care physician may also participate in a diagnostic evaluation or refer you to a mental health professional.

Diagnosis can be made in the following ways:

Medical history of physical illness or mental health problems in you or your family
A physical examination is sufficient to identify or rule out conditions that may be causing symptoms
Questions about your current concern or why you are seeking help
Questions about how a recent event or change in your life – a bereavement, relationship, job, death of a friend or relative – has affected your thoughts, feelings or behavior.
Other questions or tests ask your thoughts about how you think, feel, or act in certain situations.
Questions about alcohol and drugs in the past and present
Reports of injury, abuse, family conflict or other major life events
Questions about past or present thoughts of violence against yourself or others
A questionnaire or interview completed by someone who knows you well, such as a parent or spouse

Mental Health Facts

  • The first fact about mental health is that one in five Americans has some form of mental illness and one in twenty five has a serious mental illness, such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
  • This is one of the dangerous facts about mental health. Suicide causes more than 800,000 deaths worldwide each year, including more than 41,000 in the United States alone. It is the second leading cause of death worldwide among young people between the ages of 15 and 29. Rates of mental health problems double for those in war or disaster.
  • People with mental health problems are less likely to be violent. In fact, only 3-5% of violent acts can happen to people with serious mental illness.
  • Many factors can cause mental illness, such as genetics, injury or disease, and traumatic life experiences. Many people do not seek treatment for mental illness because of the stigma associated with it. Only 44% of adults with diagnosable mental illness receive treatment. Mental health treatment isn’t just about prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Acupuncture, yoga, and meditation help relieve symptoms. In addition, ayahuasca therapy has become popular, helping with many mental health problems and providing healing for a better life.
  • By addressing risk factors such as trauma, some mental disorders can be prevented, especially in children and adolescents. Promoting mental health services in low- and middle-income countries is not as costly as some might think. An investment of just $2-4 per person will have a huge impact on millions of people. Each year, serious mental illness costs the United States nearly $200 billion in lost revenue.
  • 50.5% of adults in the United States who have a substance use disorder also suffer from mental illness. 20% of young people have a mental health problem and one in 10 young people experience periods of depression.
  • LGBTQ members experience mental health problems twice as often as gay men and women. Last but not least, the truth about mental health is that 70-90% of people who seek full treatment for mental health problems show a significant reduction in symptoms.

When is testing or treatment needed?

Each mental health problem has its own signs and symptoms. In general, however, professional help may be needed if you experience:

  • Marked changes in personality, eating or sleeping
  • Can’t cope with problems or daily activities
  • Feeling excluded or excluded from normal activities
  • A special or “magical” thought.
  • Too much anxiety
  • Prolonged sadness, depression or apathy
  • Thoughts or comments about killing yourself or harming others
  • Using things
  • The feeling is terrible
  • Extreme anger, hostility or violent behavior
  • Many people with mental disorders view their signs and symptoms as part of normal life or avoid treatment out of shame or fear. If you are concerned about your mental health, don’t hesitate to seek advice. Contact your GP or make an appointment with a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health professional. It may be necessary for you to find an expert who knows your culture or demonstrates an understanding of the culture and social relations relevant to your experience and your life story. With the right support, you can diagnose mental health problems and receive appropriate treatment, such as medication or counseling

Benefits of good mental health

Whether you are young or old, the importance of mental health and overall well-being cannot be overstated. When mental well-being is affected, it can lead to negative behavior that can not only affect personal health, but also damage your relationship with others. A stronger ability to cope with life’s stress
When the mental and emotional state is at its best, life’s challenges can be easily overcome.

Where alcohol/drugs, isolation, anger, or fighting are adopted to manage relationship conflicts, financial issues, work challenges, and other life issues, a stable state of mind can encourage coping mechanisms. better health.


Mental Health Affects Everything

Our mental health affects how we cope with life. Lack of treatment leads to hopelessness and sadness, worthlessness, feeling guilty, anxiety and worry, fear, and loss of control.

Our relationships may suffer. Our performance in any situation such as school or work may decline. Withdrawal and isolation may happen.

We may also lose interest in things we once enjoyed. Task completion and time management may fall apart. It may also become difficult for us to concentrate, or one may have rumination and focus on cleaning or organizing.

Our relationship with food may change. We may have ups and downs, and racing thoughts can happen more often.

Life may become overwhelming. If we are having severe mental health issues, we may start to lose touch with reality and even hear voices.

Self-harm may happen. Destructive patterns such as alcohol and drug use may strike, and suicidal ideations may be the final result. Overall, things will fall apart if we don’t take mental health seriously.

Good self image

Mental health is linked to a person’s sense of self. Overall mental well-being plays a role in your self-esteem. Confidence is often a positive indicator of a healthy state of mind.

A person whose mental health is improving is more focused on their own well-being. They will focus on these qualities and often have the desire to live a healthy and happy life.

A better relationship

If your mental health is good, you will be able to give quality time, love, and support to friends and family. When you’re not depressed, it can be easier to express yourself and support those you care about.

Better quality of life

When mental well-being develops, your life can improve. This could pave the way for more involvement in local law. For example, you can start volunteering at a soup kitchen, food drive, shelter, etc. You can also choose new hobbies, meet new people and travel to new cities.

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